Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Goodnight Telephone???

So what is the problem? As a mother I have been trying to instill the classics in my child, so we began reading Goodnight Moon. But now I am concerned. Why you ask? I am wondering why we do not say good night to the telephone. If you are at all familiar with this important piece of children's literature, then you know the first page reads: "In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon...." In the course of this bedtime story, you point out all of the things in the room and say good night to them, but not to the telephone. Worse still, you say good night to 'nobody,' but not to the telephone. I feel bad for the telephone. I have posed this concern to several friends, some of whom are librarians, others whom I consider very astute individuals, and no one can tell me. In fact, they contend they have never even noticed this sin of omission! Of course, I wonder why a kids really needs a telephone in his or her room, especially at a young age, but if it is there, should be not say good night? So today, I rise in defense of telephones! Say good night to yours!


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