Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Baby Sittin' Blues

I have had three glorious months at home with my son! They have been pretty great. I never would have thought that I could enjoy hanging out so much with someone who doesn't talk! But once again, I have turned into one of those women. The same thing happened when I got married. I was never going to be one of those people who asked unmarrieds why they didn't have a fella, but put a ring on my finger and watch me be the national spokesperson for wedded bliss! I still can't believe that I ever questioned whether I wanted to live la vida married. And now here I am -- weeping freely at the prospect of leaving my child with a babysitter four days a week. There is a part of me that would love to just stay home full time or take a few odd jobs every now and then, but short of hitting the powerball or winning one of those Food Network contests, that is out of the question.

So now I am on the hunt for the perfect babysitter. I didn't think my requests were too unusual or demanding, but apparently I was wrong. I have had people tell me there is no way they can be here by 7:30 or would rather me come to their house (yeah like I can get in my car with a baby, drive to there house, get my baby situated, get back in my car, and drive back to work before 8:00!). Or the want twice the going rate or they want to leave by 2pm! Ugh this is a nightmare. But I keep my fingers crossed and my prayers said that God will send us someone very special for our special little guy! I know these experiences will make me cherish those days off I take to be with the Moo. My mother always recounted with fondness my experience with the babysitter. Wonder why she didn't tell me it was so hard for her?


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