Saturday, July 01, 2006

Six Months and Counting!

Here he is! Six Months Old! I can hardly believe it! It seems like only yesterday we were waiting for his arrival, but on the other hand, I can't imagine what like was like before him! I love that he is little (if you call 18 and a half pounds, 28 inches long little), and I am in no hurry to grow up. A friend of mine keeps telling me that her child of a similar age is holding his bottle, rolling over all of the time, crawling, solving quadratic equations, you name it! I reply that we are going to kindergarten with Mattie to roll him back over (he can only roll from back to front) and chew his food for him (although we have seen two little white bumps that may mean teeth are to come). I am in no hurry for him to bound around or babble on. I am enjoying having a baby! I read somewhere once that you spend the first two years of your child's life trying to teach him to walk and talk and the next 16 wondering why they won't sit down and shut up!

I love you, Moo! These last 6 months have been like a dream! You and your dad make me feel like the luckiest mom in the world! Sleep tight, precious angel!


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