Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Election Day

Wowee! What a day! I went to exercise my right this morning and voted today! In our town there were some big winners! I am pleased that two of my fellow church members were elected to their desired positions and one is the lead contender for the run off election to come in the fall. Congrats to Livy, Lynn, and Jason! Other friends were victorious in their primary bids -- way to go, Jim and Marby!

I have to say I am glad we will get a reprive from the ads and yard signs. I know it is part of the process, but I have to say a month of that seems to drag on forever. I guess we are on a break until October.

I am glad to live in a country where I am free to cast my lot and have my voice be heard. Hope everone else took advantage of their privledge too!


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