Monday, May 08, 2006

The Things Moo can DO!

Wow! I can't believe it. I know I will say it many times, but my little boy is growing up. From this fragile little ball that needed constant attention and adoration to this stout little man that has so many skills and talents at such a young age. Here are just a few of the things he is doing now....
1) Smiling -- and not just when he has gas
2) Laughing at loud -- especially when feet are being kissed, ribs are being tickled, and funny words are being said
3) Holding his head up -- rarely does he flop around any more. He is starting to enjoy his Bumbo seat
4) Sleeping thru the night. Of course, he has been doing this for a while, but I still love it.
5) Watching some tv -- he loves Sesame Street and Baby Mozart!
6) Holding toys -- he loves his link-a-doos and a few of his stuffed animals
7) Responding to his name -- sometimes.
8) Sucking on his hands and fingers -- hopefully bink will be reserved for emergencies only!
9) Kicking -- toys, his captain's chair, whatever
10) Holding hands and fingers -- wow does he have a grip!
11) Going for rides in the stroller wearing his cool dude shades
12) Eating nicely at a restaurant -- I am savoring this while I can
13) Enjoying church

More on this later!


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