Monday, April 10, 2006

Damn it, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a juggler!

When we last left our heroine, she was pouring over the days events...Weather, her son's baptism, what it all means. Since then, however, her life has switched into high gear. Those little things she had been letting slide have now popped up, demanding attention. Those commitments she thought would fade away like her junior prom date were now now back with a vengeance. Design Team work for Scraplanet, Rotary Programming (of which she is the chair), Rotary Auction planning and working, and Tennis Team Captain (yes, she has a match in two weeks and has not returned a serve since September) -- they are all there. No one walked off with them while she wasn't looking. No one thought it would be fun to pick them up and run with them.

And then there is the fledgling practice. Well, contracts have been secured with Cumberland Hall (what was originally to be 1 hour of supervision has now become that plus 4 hours of group therapy and any needed psychological testing) and Western State Hospital (2-4 hour mornings a week of admissions interviews). I am also seeing patients privately at an outpatient clinic and at the Children's Advocacy Center. And then there are the classes I teach for Murray State two evenings a week (one in Ft. Campbell and one in Madisonville).

Oh, did I mention that the time changed, so now my husband has the world's worst work schedule? That's right -- Mondays - 8am to 7:30pm; Tuesdays - 8am to 2pm; Wednesday - noon to 7:30pm; Thursdays - OFF; Fridays noon to 7:30 or 8pm; Saturdays and Sundays - open one day (7am to 2pm) and close the other (noon to 7:30 or 8pm). Now this is if there are no tournaments and if his boss doesn't accidentally schedule something that creates a conflict. He also likes to find some time in there to play a little golf.

Of course, the dog still has to be picked up from dog school and walked regularly. Someone has to stay with the baby. I am still pumping for milk every 3 to 5 hours. I am in charge of bath time and bed time, but if Moo sleeps a little later (and he does as he takes after his mother), I am also responsible for the morning feedings too 4 mornings a week! Whew! I love my baby and would surely hand off some of these tasks, if only there was someone to take over.

Okay, just reading this makes me tired. I am off to get a little rest before I start it all over again!


Blogger Michele said...

Sounds like one of my typical posts trying to figure out how to cram it all in... take a breather every now and then for yourself - don't forget pedicures and manicures! They are great decompression assistants!

Hugs from the south,


7:10 AM  
Blogger Mattie Moo's Mom said...

When can I get them in this schedule -- our cosmotologists keep bankers' hours! AHHHHHHhhhhHHHHHHhhhhh!

8:55 PM  

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